Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Journal- May 21st- Eight Important Qualities in Evaluating a film

  1. Can I emotionally connect to a character in the film?
  2. Is the plot logistical?
  3. Does it fulfill my movie expectations?
  4. Does it leave me with a feeling at the end? Do i go home with anything?
  5. Do I like the music?
  6. What is the quality of the cinematography?
  7. How does the film sustain my interest?

Favorite Film of All Time
Ferris Bueller's Day off

One movie that I have preferred: Quais de Seine
  1. Yes, connect to boy and girl
  2. the plot makes sense it could def happen
  1. i had no idea
  2. it made me feeling hopeful
  3. dont remember the music
  4. good
  5. i wanted the romance to sustain b/n the two

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