Thursday, May 14, 2009

Goodbye Lenin!

The 2003 film Goodbye Lenin! directed by Wolfgang Becker is a socially conscious black comedy. Different tones of red throughout the film really show the viewer the reality of socialism in East Germany during the late eighties. Although Goodbye Lenin! follows an archetypal boy meets girl format, it is only the basis which the true purpose of the film is based upon. The film is successful in delivering the message without being too harsh and pedagogic. By combining the serious messages with the comedic delivery, it became an emotionally engaging film.
Within the first fifteen minutes, the viewer is shown the harsh realities of the red socialist system. Early on we see Alex’s guilt begin to develop because he thinks he is responsible for the condition of his mother. During Christianes coma, everything changes- socialism collapses and the Berlin wall is torn down. When Christiane finally awakes from her coma, Alex wants to prevent her from witnessing any sort of shock, and tries to recreate the socialist atmosphere of the past, and in my opinion tries to atone for the guilt he feels for putting his mother in this condition.
The mood is comedic yet is respectful of the serious issue they are discussing. I think its really funny that Alex and his sister Arianne were both wearing green tee shirts when they went to go visit their mother in the hospital after she woke up. It was the stark opposite of the socialist red. Through Alex’s comedic journey, the audience is able to see the reality of the fall of the Berlin wall and the real changes that had happened to the community.

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